Callings And Giftings
We hope the resources below will be helpful in supplementing your spiritual growth.
Calling Coaching
With Brian Newman
Brian offers coaching in Dream Interpretation, Ministry Callings and Giftings and how to get started in Ministry or Writing.
Brian also offers Pre-Marital Counseling through the SYMBIS Pre-Marriage Assessment .
Other Recommended Online Resources
The 5 Fold Ministry Test
Visit Vision Launcher's 5 Fold Ministry Assessment site and discover the other resources they offer to improve your relationships and ministry.
The Spiritual Gifts Test
Visit Jeff Carver's Spiritual Gift's Assessment site and discover the other resources he offers to improve your relationships and ministry.
The Color Code
The Color Code helps you know more about your core motivations so you can have better interpersonal relationships and help your dreams grow.
Education on how the Color Code can improve your life with
The D.I.S.C Model
The DISC model helps you know more about you work within a team and how your strengths and weaknesses can be best matched with other team members.
Education on how the Color Code can improve your life with the
The Enneagram with Dr. Tom LaHue
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
MBTI online helps you know more about your personality and become self-aware so you can have better interpersonal relationships.
Education on how the MBTI can improve your life with
and MBTI Comedy with Frank James